• Steadfast = resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering

  • Love = an intense feeling of deep affection

So then Hesed resembles God’s firm and unwavering, intense and deep love for us.

-a redeeming, strong, merciful, kind, good, faithful LOVE


Steadfast love is found in the scripture over 200+ times throughout scripture.

  • Hesed is found in old testament as steadfast love.

  • It is found in the new testament as steadfast, love, kindness, mercy, and more.

    It’s explains the depth and riches of God’s love for his people – us.


Hesed is the mission behind God’s work of salvation for us, even admist our undeserving.

It is His hesed that reaches down to us sinners and gives us a free gift of grace.

It is His hesed that sent us His Son as the atoning sacrifice for us.

It is His hesed that fills the gap and our need to be redeemed, restored and forgiven for our sins, through FAITH.

It is His hesed that means not even one of us, one sheep, will ever be snatched from our Father’s merciful and loving hand.

-John 10:27-30 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one.”

Trust. We can rely on the steadfast love of God each and every day.


God’s hesed towards us is simply because we are His children. It is not and never will be based on our status or significance, career, money or good works, the list goes on…

All we have to do is ACCEPT HIS LOVE and let the peace of His saving grace run through our veins and put our hearts at true rest.

His hesed last forever, brings peace, draws us to Him, give us life and comfort and mercy, it allows us to be heard, it is poured out by Him to us, and it gives us life everlasting. Because no matter our sins, we are forgiven. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).



GENESIS 24:12, EXODUS 15:13, EXODUS 20:6, EXODUS 34:6, DEUTERONOMY 7:9, 1 KINGS 8:23, 1 CHRONICLES 16:34, 2 CHRONICLES 27:6, JOB 10:12, PSALM 5:7, PSALM 6:4, PSALM 13:5, PSALM 17:7, PSALM 25:6, PSALM 26:3, PSALM 32:10, PSALM 33:22, PSALM 36:5, PSALM 44:26, PSALM 51:10, PSALM 57:7, PSALM 59:10, PSALM 63:3, PSALM 69:13, PSALM 77:8, PSALM 85:7, PSALM 86:15, PSALM 89:1, PSALM 92:2, PSALM 94:18, PSALM 106:1, PSALM 108:1, PSALM 109:21, PSALM 112:7, PSALM 119:5, PSALM 136, PSALM 138:2, PSALM 143:12, PSALM 145:8, PROVERBS 3:3, PROVERBS 4:26, ISAIAH 26:3, ISAIAH 54:10, ISAIAH 55:3, ISAIAH 63:7, JEREMIAH 9:24, LAMENTATIONS 3:21-23, DANIEL 9:4, HOSEA 2:19, JOEL 2:12-13, JONAH 4:1-3, MICAH 7:18, ROMANS 12, 1 CORINTHIANS 13, 1 PETER 5:10, 1 JOHN 4


I encourage you to truly dwell in the wonders of God’s hesed. Soak it up. Pray over it. Rejoice in it. Let it work in your hearts. And live in peace knowing God is good. He is in control and has our best interests at heart. That He knows. HE is GOD and we are only human. Grab His hand and let Him lead your steps through all the hills and valleys of life, friend <3


with so so much overflowing love,

Addison ッ


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