Strong Girl Season


BE STRONG! Whether you are looking for a new training program, a busy bee needed efficient and effective workouts or wanting PHASE 2 of the strong girl summer program, look no further than this STRONG GIRL SEASON program. This program will boost your strength and overall health, while helping you crush your goals!

I am here to tell you being strong will be one of the the best things you ever do for yourself! Muscle helps our metabolism rate, promotes fat loss, aids in hormone balance, works to decrease levels of stress/anxiety/depression, boost mood & energy, keeps our bones healthy, improves heart health and provides so many other benefits to our bodies!

This program will provide you with the community and accountability needed to get you to your goals! You will receive exactly what you need to gain strength and continue prioritizing your health, in a way that you can maintain, enjoy and feel the results!


When you click the link button “HERE” (under investment) to purchase the Strong Girl Season Program, you will be transferred to the sign-up page through TrainHeroic. Here you will select athlete price, then you will follow next steps in order to complete the purchase.

Once you purchase the program, you may be asked when to START - select the upcoming MONDAY (or Monday of your choice) so the program falls into schedule with your optional days being Saturday/Sunday if you prefer (up to you). Then you will receive an email which will provide information on your training program and prompt you to set up your account by downloading the app. Once your account is set up, follow the steps and the program should be added to your account!

You will have access to Team Leaderboards and group messaging within the team during your 16 weeks and access to the program for a full year!

If you need direct access to me or have any questions at all, send me an email @ or message me via the app!

If this is your first time working out, don’t feel like you need to do all of the workouts each day of the week! Ease it into and progress as you feel comfortable!

Program Details:

  • Program Length: 16 weeks (4 months)

    • 3 days of full body strength training circuits (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

    • 2 days of cardio or full body intervals + mobility work (Tuesday, Thursday)

    • 2 days of active recovery work (Saturday, Sunday)

    • Workouts are able to be switched to different days, on your own specific profile, if you’d like to move days around!

  • ADD IN extra walks throughout the week to enhance all the amazing health benefits of moving our bodies!

  • Programs are progressed every 4 weeks!

  • What you need:

    • 1 set of lighter dumbbells

    • 1 set of heavier dumbbells

    • Your bodyweight


  • Workouts delivered online via TrainHeroic

  • Access to coach via email ( or messaging via app

  • Visual exercise demonstration via videos

Investment: $125


*NOTE: the program is set to run Monday-Sunday.
When prompted to click a start date during check out
- PICK MONDAY so the schedule falls into place
with 2 rest/recovery days falling Saturday/Sunday
unless you prefer otherwise!